The topic sounds strange enough that creativity would be related to trust. I was confused myself at first too. From readings, I know that creativity and trust are essential components that help any organization achieve success. But, from Google, I truly believe the key to creativity is the ability to trust.
Google is creative in many ways, most of us already know that they come up with awesome apps and softwares. Those products were the results of the googlers' creativity. Google helps builds creativity from three areas: physical facility, culture and individual attitude, and all three of those areas are connected by trust. In the sense of physical facility, each of its office around the globe is different based on the office location. Employees can travel using bicycles or scooters between meetings; the work area is the play area, there are foosball, pool tables, large inflatable balls, and even assorted video games. They even offer dance classes during breaks. My first reaction was :" The place seems like a resort rather than a workplace and the employees get paid to play? " How can people develop such amazing products if they play all day?

The answer lies in Google's culture and its trust in its people to take their creative perks which is embodied in their "10 reasons why work for Google?"
- Lend a helping hand.
- Life is beautiful.
- Appreciation is the best motivation,
- Work and play are not mutually exclusive.
- We love our employees, and we want them to know it.
- Innovation is our bloodline.
- Good company everywhere you look.
- Uniting the world, one user at a time.
- Boldly go where no one has gone before. T
- There is such a thing as a free lunch after all.
Trust is placed here because in order to share ideas and information with each other, employees need not only to look for his/her personal gain but also, look at the bigger picture, for a better company. The employees work together not to compete against but with. Google invests in not only the person's expertise but also, the person as a whole. The company believes that happy employees are more productive, and for employees to be happy, they need a positive environment for a happy attitude.
Each one of them emphasizes the idea of that Google truly cares for its employees and believes in the employee's ability to deliver the best products. It is like a two way road, by trusting the employees to perform the best by providing them with freedom and fostering a fun attitude, the employees are able to bring creative ideas into the work places. Like Google says:
"We actively cast a wide learning net because innovations often arise when ideas in a seeming unrelated field are applied to our field."
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